the problem--as i see it--is just what bits of genesis do we accept as fact--and what is folklore and myth ?
is another word for myth--a lie ? does the bible begin with a pack of lies ?
the belief is that god created the tree of the knowledge of good and bad right?
but then forbid adam and eve to eat from it because if they did they would understand good and bad.... the belief also is that either at death or armageddon we will be judged as to whether we have been good or bad.... so it seems that god did not want humans to have the knowledge of how to be good or bad in the first place but still wants to judge them on it?!?.
i always thought when reading that part of the bible " what would have been so wrong for humans to have that knowledge in the beginning?
the problem--as i see it--is just what bits of genesis do we accept as fact--and what is folklore and myth ?
is another word for myth--a lie ? does the bible begin with a pack of lies ?
I wonder if the WBT$ makes any profit on selling the trollies to the r&f?
dunno---but i bet the brother who owns the business that makes them does allright out of it.
here we have 2 trolly dollies hiding in a run down shop doorway. Ryde--i o wight--UK
shanklin, isle of wight, UK
happy birthday to you !!
new here... been lurking for some time now.... i still serve... but with each passing day, it gets harder and harder.
i'm slowly... slowly working on my wife (i call her mrs. hardcore) and even my m-i-l (who taught my wife how to be hardcore).
making some amazing progress... they are still hardcore... but unrecognizable from a couple years ago!.
over time a number of different 'classes' of members have arisen on this forum.
1] apple watch watchers - this group takes a great interest in watches worn by members of the governing body.
2] cult escape consultants - one who freely offers advise on how to flee from a cult - mainly the wt society.
definitley a kult kart krew kritisezer--heres a pic i took today
witnesses are not supposed to stand for the national anthem but can stand for a flag salute.. you can't say bless you if someone sneezes, good luck!, or " you too" if someone says, happy holidays.. it is a religion of cannot dos.
everything is pagan and worldly.. what are things that are unacceptable to jehovah's witnesses that really are no big deal to everyone else?
i gather its frowned upon to masturbate in the kingdom hall washroom...
however this doesnt apply to elders or miniscule servants---who--i'm reliably informed---are all wankers anyway.
in 3 and one half-hours time..queen elizabeth will become the longest reigning sovereign ever.. you go, girl!.